Music Therapy Charity Logo Design.

logo design, visual identity design

North Yorkshire Music Therapy is a charity that uses clinical and evidence-based music interventions to help improve the mental, physical and emotional well-being in people of all ages. 


The goal.

The charity had been existence for 30 years and have been doing fantastic work for their clients, however they had not invested in their brand during that time. Good Will Studios was approached to help create something to give them a recognisable visual identity and an iconic logo mark that would express their values, and set them up with a solid brand foundation that would serve them for the next 30 years.

The challenge was to create something unique that captured the essence of music, but without being too obvious by including musical notes or any imagery that would look cliche or become dated.

The outcome.

Following discussions and a brand workshop process to uncover the core brand values, purpose and story, the final creative outcome was a modern and memorable logo design and a brand guide sheet that showcased the new logo design in it’s various formats; providing guidance and assets to ensure brand consistency across digital and print platforms.

Will helped me to have a better understanding of the aesthetic we needed to give the charity. The creative process gave me an entirely different perspective on things... I am very happy with the final designs!
— Laura Festa, Director
Website designed by Charity Box

Website designed by Charity Box


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