Polite Rebel Society

I like to work with polite rebels.

Those who are gently overthrowing old, broken, and damaging systems.

People who lead by example and do their own thing to make the world a better place for all those living on it.

Sound like you?

posted this on LinkedIn a couple of weeks ago on a whim, and I was amazed by the reaction it got. It seemed to really resonate with a lot of people, and it just goes to show that so many of us are striving to make a positive change in our own way!

So much so, that I decided to create a small private Facebook community group just for my fellow polite rebels. It’s a community of likeminded ethical entrepreneurs, founders of social enterprises, and people who are using the machinery of business to drive real positive change in the world.


If you’re browsing this website, you’re probably one of the polite rebels that society needs.

So, if you put purpose-over-profit and want to be a part of the change, apply to join the Polite Rebel Society now.

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Will Saunders